
I Need Good Sunny Window Box Plants

I Need Good Sunny Window Box Plants

“I have full sun for the majority of the day at my home. I’m wanting to put up a window […]

How Do You Manage Whiteflies Organically?

How Do You Manage Whiteflies Organically?

“What is the best organic way to get rid of whiteflies?” Question from Shawn of Kenosha, Wisconsin Answer: Whiteflies can […]

What Are the Benefits of Raised Bed Gardening?

What Are the Benefits of Raised Bed Gardening?

“Are raised beds easy to grow in and maintain? I live in North Carolina. During the winter can I put […]

Are Raised Beds Easy to Start and Maintain?

Are Raised Beds Easy to Start and Maintain?

“Are raised beds easy to grow in and maintain? I live in North Carolina. During the winter can I put […]

What Are Some Low-Maintenance, Noninvasive Groundcovers For Shade?

What Are Some Low-Maintenance, Noninvasive Groundcovers For Shade?

“I need a straight answer. I have read so much, I am confused after reading so many articles. I need […]

How Do You Grow Waterlilies in Containers?

How Do You Grow Waterlilies in Containers?

“I would like to know more about waterlilies, container-growing, and how to plant them.” Question from Uma of Wellington, Florida– [...