Gardeners Start Your Containers
March is here and the official start of spring is right around the corner. Depending on where you live, you […]

Roses in Winter
“A rose is a rose is a rose,’ Gertrude Stein famously wrote. But sometimes a rose is not, in fact, […]

Natural Life in the Garden: Looking Back and Looking Ahead
Depending on where you live, December is probably a slow time in the garden. The stalks and other debris […]

Holiday Decor by Nature
Halloween has passed, Daylight Savings time has bowed out, and the spring-blooming bulbs have been planted (maybe). It’s time to […]

Decorative Gourds by Elisabeth Ginsburg
It’s that time of year again…All manner of skeletons, witches, tombstones and other items of Halloweenalia are popping up on […]

Butterfly Magnet Container Plants
Butterflies, along with other winged beauties like skippers and moths, bring magic to the garden with their colorful wings […]